
Ever felt this way ?

Texting ; 

Have you ever got tired of texting ? Because you either get short replies , cold replies or no replies at all . It's sad when you got these replies from someone that meant a lot to you . But to them , you're just an ordinary friend , nothing more . Ever waited for someone's reply till you fell alseep ? And realized you've got no replies from them the next morning ? How sad can you be ? Seeing them online and not replying you . You feel that they're replying everyone except you , right ? You are afraid that you are annoying them , you are afraid they might dislike you , you might afraid they don't wanna talk to you anymore . Before these happened , the both of you used to talk a lot everyday , replying each other immediately after reading the text . But now .. things changed . slike you . When you asked for a reason why , they stopped replying . ' Friend ' . They can't even tell you what you've done wrong . And everytime when you are with a group of friends , you are always the one at the back , always the one left out . Nobody ever cared , you are treated as a replacement . You feel used , right ? If only we don't have feelings , we will not have so many problems now . Reality sucks .

Friendship Problems ; 
Ever been disliked without knowing the reason why ? Especially from someone that USED TO be your best friend , your sister . That feeling sucks . But now , both of you are just strangers with some memories . They just suddenly ignore you , they only said they dislike you , but they don't hate you . And when you asked for the reason why , they stopped replying . " Friends " , that's all in the past . And when you are hanging out with a group of friends , you are always the one at the back , the one that is left out and ignored . If only we have no feelings , we wouldn't have cared so much , we would not have so much problems by now . Reality sucks .

Random side notes ;
Have been waking up late like 4pm + nowadays , my alarm clock didn't managed to wake me up , and i'm late two days in a row . Hopefully this stopped happening . Heheh . LOL SO RANDOM .

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